Interview with Author Susan Wingate

Beautiful Interview with Author Susan Wingate

Keeping readers in the “know” with the latest interview with Author Susan Wingate. I believe you’re going to fall in love with her books.

Susan Wingate, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and award-winning author of several novels. Her writing spans several genres including family drama, YA lit, mystery, psychological thriller, and inspirational fiction. Susan is one of two founding members of the Authors of the San Juan Islands, a membership association for published authors living in and around the premiers San Juan Island archipelago of the Pacific Northwest. One of her latest books, “The Dementia Chronicles”, is a memoir about the time she spent as primary caregiver to her dying mother. Susan loves to cook and tromp through the woods. When she isn’t writing, you can find her communing with the deer and howling at the moon. Susan lives in Friday Harbor, Washington, with her husband, Bob. Readers can find Susan Wingate books in libraries, brick-and-mortar bookstores, and online bookstores.

You can find Susan on her author page, facebook, instagram, twitter, and pinterest.

Tell readers a few things about yourself.

I love to watch the wildlife around our property. I like cream in my tea. Earl Grey, please, although I have been seen spiking coconut sugar and cream in coffee too. I read Sara Youngs’ JESUS CALLING in the morning which means I read the Bible after reading her devotional. When I miss days, I feel out of sorts and, honestly, a little unhappy. Then I think, oh yeah, I missed my time with God.

Did you always want to write?

I think so. At least since the time I learned my dad wrote. He got a BA in English and a minor in Speech. I remember writing a short story for my third-grade class. I was nine and the teacher hated it! But, truthfully, it was a sorry attempt at a story markedly similar to Black Beauty. She wrote in read diagonally across the final page the words: Too Schmaltzy! I was devastated and didn’t write again until my teens. I attribute that to my sister and her boyfriend. They’ve been married now for forty-five years…and counting.

What book or article are you currently working on or just released?

I’m currently writing two books, one of which is the second book and follow-up to my most recent release, The Lesser Witness, a young adult, inspirational apocalyptic thriller about a young woman who must survive the end times by escaping the island on a boat, not to mention she’s never driven a boat or knows one thing about the ocean. And by the way, what is that sea creature circling in the sonar? The story is meant for people who liked, The Oath by Frank Peretti, and The Outsider by Stephen King, and asks the question: Would you run into the arms of death to save someone you love? Or would you save yourself? How would you choose who lives and dies? Pick one person–a throw away–a person you must sacrifice to save humanity.

This is the blurb: In the not too distant future, a bolide ignites an onset of earthquakes marking utter ruin on Earth, especially on the small island where Croy Justice lives. With a gang of virulent boys trailing her, Croy must outwit them or risk a gruesome death at their hands. Will she survive these end times? Or, will she be snapped up into satan’s grip?

The Lesser Witness

Interview with Susan Wingate

What do you want your readers to take away from your books?

That every single person has a dream. They have goals and flaws and they want something so bad that it keeps them up all night and all day long.

Do you write in silence or with background noise/music?

Silence! Please!

Did you dream of being a writer/author when you were young?

I did but it was a naivete that shed itself long ago. I wrote for my enjoyment and as a hobby. Then came the desire to become a published author. Five books traditionally published, my latest manuscript contracted early July. I feel God is with me every step of the way and one of the fortunate ones to get another book contract.

Where do you get your inspiration to write?

Every. Single. Thing. From words, from animals, from friends and family, from the weather, from politics, from the earth and everything that grows from it, from insects, and from the sea. You name it, I’m inspired by it. I guess that’s because I’m fascinated by what God has created: Every. Single. Thing.

One last question for our readers that desire to write…

What advice do you have for young writers?

Never stop trying to reach your dream of getting published. But that dream comes with a cost. You must write and you must write daily. Even when you’re not putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), you must subsume your thoughts in story. Every thing you see you must get down to its granular detail. Pick everything apart–something you heard someone say, something you smelled, tasted, witnessed, touched–everything should go into a mental file drawer and be ripped down to its atomic self. Then write that.

Check out these novels by Author Susan Wingate

Interview with Author Susan Wingate
Interview with Author Susan Wingate
Interview with Author Susan Wingate
Interview with Author Susan Wingate

After the interview with Author Susan Wingate, I’m ready to read all her books.

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Or…simply check out some of the other great authors spot lighted like Author Deanna Kenney (below).

Interview with Author Deanna Kenney

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