Interview with Author Kim Vandel

Interview with Author Kim Vandel

Author of The Under Fire Series

Interview with Author Kim Vandel

Kim Vandel is an award-winning author, a science nerd, and a recovering overachiever. She lives in the Seattle area, where she’s learned to substitute caffeine for Vitamin D. When not writing, she spends her time reading (or watching k-dramas with her husband) while she waits for the next superhero movie to release.

Tell readers a few things about yourself

I graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. That might make me sound smart, but it really just means I’m a science nerd. I’m also a wife and the mother of two very entertaining young adults. I love books and lattes. I’m a life-long Star Wars fan, and I’m learning to speak Korean.

Superhero Inspired Story

Interview with Author Kim Vandel

What book or article are you currently working on or just released?

I’m working on book three of my young adult series. It’s a superhero-inspired story set in the Seattle suburbs.

Book One: Into the Fire is the winner of the 2016 Realm Makers debut award Among the Flames

Did you always want to write?

I didn’t necessarily want to write, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to make up stories, even if it just was for my own entertainment. Life always seems to inspire that “what if?” quality every fiction writer needs. I’m thankful I get to make up stories for a living now.

Do you write in silence or with background noise/music?

When I first started writing, I needed silence or white noise in the background, but recently I started listening to music while I write. My internal editor had gotten so loud that it was hard to get any words on the page. I needed a way to quiet her voice, and music seems to be doing the job. It distracts my internal editor enough that my creativity can rise to the surface. Words are getting on the page.

Readers Take Away

What do you want your readers to take away from your books/writing?

My Under Fire series is about finding the courage to believe God can use an ordinary person to do something extraordinary. It’s scar when God asks us to step out of our comfort zone, and my main character, Kate, struggles with that. It’s hard for her to let go of fear and embrace her calling. She’s a girl who doesn’t want to be a hero, but she comes to realize that she’d rather have a meaningful life than an easy one. My hope is that Kate’s journey will inspire readers to be brave and find the courage to embrace whatever God calls them to.

Where do you get your inspiration to write?

Inspiration comes from the world around me–people, places, and even the weather. People with all their quirks and personality nuances provide inspiration for characters. Places I visited become the setting for a scene. Weather is a great way to inspire a mood or setting. Fog on a moonlit night, a windstorm, and a lazy summer sunset, they all spark my imagination. Also, I draw inspiration from the stories that other writers tell, whether it comes in book or movie form. Experiencing the creativity of others makes me want to be creative.

Young Writers

Interview with Author Kim Vandel

Did you dream of being a writer/author when you were young?

The urge to write first came when I was twelve years old, and I started out with short stories that starred my friends as the main characters. The thought of being a writer crossed my mind off and on for years, but it wasn’t until much later that I wanted to try writing as a career.

What advice do you have for young writers?

Write a lot and read a lot. The more you write, the more you understand the rhythm and flow of words and how they come together to create an image in the reader’s head. Also, it helps you find your voice. Reading is really important too. It’s how you figure out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to telling a story.

You can find Kim on her Website and the following social media outlets: Facebook Twitter Instagram and Pinterest

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