Interview with Author DeAnna Kinney

Interview with Author DeAnna Kinney

What a great interview with Author DeAnna Kinney!

DeAnna Kinney is what you could call an eclectic writer at its best. If she can dream it, she can write it. Her main focus is YA Paranormal but also writes New Adult and Adult Romance, Action Adventure, Children’s books, and even an Apocalyptic Christian Thriller Romance. She considers herself as fun-loving and a bit peculiar. Besides writing, she loves reading, all things purple, Star Wars, acting like a goofball, and dancing while she cooks (she can see her kids rolling their eyes as we speak). She believes whole-heartedly that chocolates and a good book go hand in hand. And, having experienced it herself, believes utterly in the power of true love. She lives in the lovely North Carolina with her husband, four kids, a black lab named Lincoln Six Echo, or just Link, and a bunny named Lula Bell.

Tell readers a few things about yourself.

I’m a wife of over twenty years. I have three children and enjoy home schooling. I love purple, Star Wars, and 80’s music. I’ve been writing for almost ten years now…and I love it.

Did you always want to write?

No. I mean, I enjoyed writing poetry as a child, but I never really enjoyed writing stories. Therefore, I didn’t start writing fictional stories until after having a dream one night that I couldn’t shake. I was compelled to write it down. I was in my late thirties at the time.

So, no dream of being an author?

No, I never dreamed I would write one book, much less over twenty.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

From my husband and children, my past experiences, my pets, but mostly I get my inspiration from God.

Saving My Rock Star

Interview with Author DeAnna Kinney

What book are you currently working on?

My latest book is titled, Saving My Rock Star, and is about a young woman who falls in love with a rock star who has been dead for many years. It’s a time travel romance. I could tell you more but then you wouldn’t need to read the story. It’s currently available on

My current book is titled Rumor’s Out! It’s about a girl who gets bullied during her senior year of high school–and well, it has romance in it as well. What can I say? I’m a romantic at heart. It is scheduled to be released later this summer.

Rumor’s Out

Interview with Author DeAnna Kinney

What do you want readers to take away from your books?

More than anything, I want my readers to be entertained. I want them to close the book and say, “I really enjoyed that”. Also, I try to play on all emotions. I want my readers to have an experience. I try to make sure every book conveys a good message as well.

Every reader wants to know if you write in silence or with background music?

Definitely, quiet. I have author friends who play music and I tried it, but I just couldn’t focus. I found myself listening and enjoying the music and getting absolutely no writing done.

Finally, there are many young aspiring writers, what advice do you have for those just starting out?

If you think you’re interested in writing, just start writing. The more you write, the better you get. Also, it helps to make an outline to keep your thoughts organized.

Keep a notebook close for those sudden ideas that pop into your head. If you think you’ll remember them later, you never do.

Thank you DeAnna for giving readers an inside look to your writing! To find out more about Author DeAnna Kinney and see all her books, head on over to her author page.

Connect with DeAnna on Instagram and Facebook

Another great author interview with DeAnna Kinney can be found on Fioina Mcvie’s blog.

Purchase DeAnna’s books via Amazon.

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