Dying is inevitable

Dying is inevitable, but nobody wants to die, not really. Not when you’re five. Or when you’re twenty-two. Especially not when you’re thirty-six or forty-eight. Maybe in your nineties, even eighties, is that a good age to die? When you’re old and have lived a full life? Is there a… Continue reading

Lauren Daigle, God, and Writing

This morning, I’m adding the finishing touches on a book proposal to send to my first-choice agency. It’s like sending an application to the college of my dreams, and then waiting for the acceptance letter in the mail. Except, I’m forty-seven not seventeen. I’ve chosen to mail the proposal instead… Continue reading

A beautiful mess. A mother. A daughter. Christ. And a lifestyle.

A mess. A beautiful mess. Once I share our mess, you may think differently. You may rant and judge, and that’s okay. Or, you may feel a release, shed tears, knowing you are not alone. I carried a baby in my tummy, read stories to her, sang lullaby’s, and wrote… Continue reading

“Mr. Dover thinks I’m Fat!”

“Mr. Dover thinks I’m fat.” Charlotte cried down the hallway, slamming her bedroom door. She let out a frustrating moan. “He gave me an 8th-grade boys cummerbund.” Her mom opened the bedroom door and peeked inside. “May I come in?” Charlotte buried her face into a ruffled pillow, flattening her… Continue reading